I'd like my gap year now please!

So the Government are funding 500 places for students who can’t find jobs!

 How interesting. I remember when I went to Univeristy I didn’t take a year to go travelling like some friends before they took their place. Why? Well I just couldn’t afford to. After I graduated I didn’t take a gap year because I still couldn’t afford to. I decided to do an MA and paid my way through that, and as soon as I finished I got a job – as a casual, paid weekly in the Mail Room of one of the Headquarters of Post Office Counters. I didn’t pay a graduates salary but I knew I had to pay my way.

Now it seems the Government in it’s wisdom is funding 500 places for students to go swanning off because the jobs market is tough.

Yes it’s tough – but firstly doesn’t it call into question perhaps some of the courses that some students are studying, and whether they are providing the skills that employers require. And secondly, as pointed out in the BBC article, doesn’t it act as a big slap in the face to those graduates who are out there, getting on their bike so to speak and looking for a job.

What next, a Government funded scheme to dig pointless holes in the ground funded by DBIS, and another one funding “jobs” for people to fill them in? It would help with the unemployment figures I guess. But this Government doesn’t get it. Businesses create jobs not Government – so do something to stimulate business!

Of course they won’t though. That’s why Labour has always left Government with unemployment higher than when it came to power.

Well I never took a gap year and quite fancy one……. so David Lammy, can I have my year out now please?

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